The Evolution of LIGHTING

tage lighting is the craft of lighting as it applies to thproduction of theater, dance, opera, and other performance arts. ... The personnel needed to install, operate, and control the equipment also cross over into these different areas of "stage lighting" applications.
During the Italian Renaissance, stages were lit with candles made of tallow, or animal fat. Stagehands monitored candles closely and snipped wicks or relit candles as needed. Candles, crude oil lamps, torches and hanging lamps provided light in the theater; the house, where the audience sat, was also illuminated for the entirety of the show. Despite limitations of the time, innovators were beginning to approach lighting as an art form.
The next innovation in lighting, Edison’s electric bulb, greatly improved the safety and efficiency of stage lighting. However, from early amphitheaters in Athens to Shakespeare’s Globe and Blackfriars, lighting has consistently been one of the most important aspects in a production for setting a mood, adding to the realism of the show and creating the theater experience that we know and love today.
advances in technology and increases in production, LED has become affordable and it’s uses are wide. But, how does this effect the production industry and what does it mean to your event? The combined affordability and availability of brilliant LED lighting fixtures has allowed for bigger “looks” in more budget settings. Allowing a lighting designer the ability to often times double the number of fixtures in a room, which in turn creates a more theatrical and cohesive feeling to the overall perspective of an event.
LED walls have become commonplace in the corporate event space, and they are used both by the video department in place of projection screens (removing some of the obstacles that projection creates) and they are used by the lighting department to enrich the overall look of a set. The line between video and lighting is blurry at times, often lighting can trigger video and vice versa, but overall the trend is to create custom content that flows together and makes an event feel more like a “happening.
People give attention particularly to things prompted by sound. Combined audio-visual stimulus help in better participation in activities. Sound strengthens the ability to retain the memory of experiences
It is very important that sound systems provide clear, clean, and reliable amplification. Feedback or noise in the signal may go unnoticed by the presenter, but can be very uncomfortable and annoying to the attendees even if it is constant.
As technology becomes more advanced, personalised and on-demand, it diversifies and intensifies the way we listen. After years of visual dominance, audio is now best-positioned to span a larger number of touchpoints and adapt to changes in consumer media consumption in 2021.
The new technology, dubbed sound beaming, uses a 3-D sensing module from the speaker, locating and tracking the ear's position to send audio via ultrasonic waves. The waves create sound pockets by the user's ears, and can be heard in stereo or a spatial 360 degree sound around the listener
While audio technology hardware advancement appears to have plateaued, the growth will be in the software and programming that manipulates the systems to make them more flexible and allow for greater control and creativity

The early days of the disc jockey could see this proverbial talent lugging heavy suitcases bearing his trade vinyl. The Technology lowered the entry level for both DJing and dance music production, and social media drove DJs and producers to change how they promoted themselves. ... Digital DJs however, can either buy music much more cheaply or choose not to pay for it at all.
The physical vocabulary of the contemporary DJ demonstrates just how much control they have over their music, most of it the facilitated by developments in digital DJing technology. Obviously, dance music, club culture and DJs have felt the digital revolution keenly. Downloads and file sharing irrevocably altered the vinyl record culture which dance music was built upon and software completely turned the world of studios and recording upside down, changing the very methods by which music was produced and consumed. Technology lowered the entry level for both DJing and dance music production, and social media drove DJs and producers to change how they promoted themselves. Meanwhile, the continuing development of DJ technology reshaped both how a DJ could work and also changed what we expected from them


Even in the absence of the global pandemic, virtual alternatives offer noteworthy benefits for event organizers, speakers, and attendees. Virtual solutions are perfect for one-way informative events in corporate environments, like product launches and company presentations. They enable organizers to prepare a defined experience and control their story during the event. In addition, virtual platforms give them the opportunity to follow-up attendee interests, capture their data, and nurture leads in ways that would be more difficult to achieve with live-only events. And because virtual events don’t require minimal travel, you can reach a larger international audience while also cutting down carbon emissions.
While virtual alternatives work in certain situations, LIVE events still offer a level of entertainment and real interaction with other human beings without the interfering factors of failing webcams, muted mics and low-bandwidth issues. When it comes to gatherings that focus on the social aspect, like concerts and festivals but also corporate networking opportunities, LIVE events are the go-to solution.
Dancing on your own in your room is just not the same thing as jumping in unison with a frenzied audience while your favorite DJ is giving his all on stage...
Live events are actual experiences you don’t want to miss. They will increasingly focus on high production quality to offer a level of exclusiveness, LIVE interaction and immersion, which today you can’t replicate with currently existing virtual platforms.
It’s always a challenge to get everyone together on a date that fits the different schedules. Imagine having to organize a boardroom meeting with busy stakeholders or a conference with participants located in different time zones. That’s where hybrid events prove their worth, combining the benefits of real live events and virtual solutions - turning them into sort of HYBRID tech monsters.. Hosting these events provides attendees with multiple options to choose from. This flexibility makes it possible to get more people to participate in your event, even those who choose to stay in the comfort of their home – whether that’s for time management or for ecological reasons. At the same time, it might reduce the incidence of attendee cancellations because instead of canceling, people can just switch to the virtual experience.
ace attendees connecting virtually with other meeting attendees. ... Hybrid Meetings combine the benefits of live and virtual interaction between presenters, in-person attendees, and virtual attendees.​
Events are undergoing a paradigm shift amidst the pandemic. We are seeing the rise of hybrid events which are events that take place in a physical venue while also being attended at the same time online by an interactive audience. Hybrid events blend the boundary-breaking potential of digital events with the serendipity of analogue meetings.
A Hybrid event needs to work for both the audience in the room and online, you cannot just stream the live event and hope that will engage everyone. ... The great thing about a Hybrid event, is that it gives people a choice; attend in person or engage with the event online